Monday, July 5, 2010

Month Five...onto Month Six

Hello, followers, lurkers, and the whatnot

My hair has been progressing NICELY!  Men, women, and children have all admired my hair for various reasons.  If you are thinking about getting SLs, then think about your hair type.  I have thick (dense!), extra coily hair that tends to be coarse.  From installation, my SLs have looked amazing.  According to my consultant, my hair type made it easy so I wouldn't have to go through the "chicken bald" or "scalpy" stage.  Just a thought...

Next week is my next retightening and I'm pretty excited.  My parents will be seeing my hair again the following weekend at the family reunion.  The last time they saw it was month 2 and now it looks so much better!  It's longer (touching my neck) and thicker.  Hopefully, they will love it even more than they did in March.'s some pics!

Until next time, folks!  Hope all is well with your summer :)