Monday, January 18, 2010

Sisterlock Birthday! January 15, 2010

I'm sisterlocked!! After 25 hours over 3 days, I am finally a member of the Sisterlock family :-) My trainee consultant, Danielle Akins, was a God send. I originally met Danielle while trying to get my coils latched so I could begin traditional locks. Sadly, she broke the news to me that the lady who did my coils did some crazy part work so the bases of my would-be-locks were completely wrong for what I wanted. After a lot of upset, she explained to me about Sisterlocks and I decided to go for them. It took me 2 months to schedule an appointment (my crazy life, not hers) - and the day finally came!

I LOVE THEM! I went to work today and some people had to fight the urge to touch my hair. Can you believe it? Well, I couldn't - I was shocked. They haven't been seen by the BF...but we're going to webcam tonight. I'll let you all know what happens. Love you, MUAH!

UPDATE!!  The BF loved my hair!  He thought it was cuter than the coils - and he used to have traditional locks so he was super biased.  But he said that they fit me!  Glad it went well...he'd be SOL if not! LOL